Projects with this topic
Publisher ESP8266 MQTT de dados meteriológicos (temperatura e umidade)
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Servidor assíncrono ESP8266 de exibição de dados meteriológicos (temperatura e umidade).
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Forked from with a few minor customizations
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Controlling an LED light via a simple GUI hosted on a local web server. Based on an ESP8266. Written to get familiar with micropython.
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Get Data from a Hydreon Rain Gauge Model RG-11 using Ardunino and a ESP8266 (WEMOS D1 Mini) using the serial protocol and send it via MQTT.
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An esphome project to show stock prices from homeassistant (yahoo finance api) on a max7219 7 segment display
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Status indicator for a home network with WiFi, where the router provides the TR-064 interface, such as the AVM Fritz!Box. LEDs indicate the state of the WiFi connection, DSL link, and IP connection. Uses the Raspberry Pico driving an ESP8266.
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A library for rp2040 microcontrollers, such as the Raspberry Pico, for integration with Espressif's esp-at firmware for AT commands, to drive WiFi connectivity over modules such as the ESP32 or ESP8266.
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Programming for the micro-controllers inside the lights
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A weatherstation based on a esp8266 and bme280 sensor and a docker setup as gateway.
Feel free to take a look at the "projektarbeit" for more info. However since this was a university project all docs are in german.
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A ESP8266 MQTT Weather Station based on the OEM Version of Sparkfuns "Weather Sensors"
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PyRadarV0.1 es una inteface para visualizar la posición de un objeto localizado por un sensor ultrasonico HC-SR04 y un servomotor.
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Time and Temperature/Humidity display with configurable color scheme and display modes. Utilizing HUB75E LED matrix, BH1750, BME280, STM32 G0/F4, ESP8266 and a atom time reciever.
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http-switcher is a simple home automation ESP8266 firmware. Once configured you could obtain data from up to 4 OneWire temperature sensors and switch on/off devices connected to GPIO ports.
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. Inspiration: Sonic Runway, Burning Man 2016.
. First project with Arduino -
. The latest version uses esp8266 and has a web-server interface for changing patterns.
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Wrapper library for use with the ESP8266 to allow for easier usage of promiscuous mode
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