Projects with this topic
It’s a code example of using OOP, coding skills and correct package structures for Python, also in this project I first used CI/CD practise and linters. The task required my backend logic and was taken from the first year of education at the best technical university in Slovakia - STU, Bratislava.
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This project is helping people read must-haves for Python developers library! It returns an Excel file. The code has two git tag versions and, a CI/CD with automated code checking and testing. The testing codes were written twice, it helped me understand a lot of features of tests in IT.
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The MegaMart Checkout Software Module enhances the online shopping experience by ensuring accurate cost calculation, stock verification, age compliance, and error handling. Real-time calculations, intuitive UI, and robust error handling optimize user experience. Testing includes acceptance and unit tests, CI/CD pipelines, and static analysis tools for code review. Implementation involves Python coding, unit testing using PyUnit, Test-Driven Development and bug fixing.
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A set of code style tool settings to enforce them in other projects
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Mirror of the Python Code Quality Authority's flake8 plugin "pep8-naming"
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Python linting Docker image used in the GitLab CI Pipelines.
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Mirror of the McCabe Complexity Checker plugin for Flake8
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How to Make your Code Shine with GitLab CI Pipelines and isort, Black, Flake8, and Pylint.
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A Django project template using Docker
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A project to provide a console script (entry point) to mccabe