Projects with this topic
Kisphp fake data generator for english language
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Symfony calendar, old version
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The Open Trading System- OTraSys: An open source framework to create trading systems. Written in C.
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🔥 A Powerful General Purpose FrameworkUpdated -
Python project template, enforcing good practices
To use, add this repo as an additional remote, and rebase your code onto it any time you want to pull in new changes.
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clinterfacer is a framework aiming to simplify the creation of Command-Line Interfaces (CLIs) using python.
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This is a python package example using the clinterfacer framework to create a command-line interface named as clinterfaced.
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Bash Easy Entropy Remover
Set of libraries for your bash projects.
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sfml framework used to create small games/graphics. The point of this is to have a "framework" that you can clone and continue off working on your project without worries about states, resource managers and such. Contributions are welcome.
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Lightweight framework to create shell-like interface for MCU using UART or semi-hosting.
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HTML, CSS, and CGI scripting in a single, simple syntax
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