Projects with this topic
Clostridia characterization and typing pipeline
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Code and thesis generation for my PhD Thesis titled "A Genomic Medicine Approach to Identifying Novel Drugs"
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The analysis repository for the Schwannomatosis Open Research Collaborative (SWNTS).
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Insight into the 3D organization of the genome, this question arises: Are the genes for the corresponding protein complexes, whose transcription needs to be orchestrated, located in the same 3D-chromatin domain? Using human protein complex database and high-resolution Hi-C data on normal and cancer human cells, I elaborated an R-based approach to normalize the data and statistically test the association to TAD (topologically associating domain) in my bioinformatics master's work.
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A Machine Learning approaches to identify genetic variants associated with disease
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Allele CAlling proCedure for Illumina Amplicon sequencing data.
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the motif-variant probe: detect creation/destruction of sequence motifs as a result of mutations
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Vibrio cholerae sequence type analysis. Identifies virulence-associated loci and assigns biotypes and serogroups.
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batch data download from Genbank or RefSeq
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fasta toolkit for fasta file processing and modification
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This repository contains files and projects created from different Coursera courses and Rosalind platform.
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