Projects with this topic
(Auto-)Undistort images with the Lensfun and OpenCV.
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Webapplication to map and browse the network and get some hints about data quality.
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A geovisual analytics tool for geostatistical analysis and visualization. Based on a analysis backend written in python and a frontend that uses electron and leaflet.
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A python tool for geostatistical analysis. It also acts as the backend for StoryFinder-UI
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A simple project to monitor OSM changesets and find the suspicious ones
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Introduction to Free and Open Source Sofware for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Data Visualisation training for Goverment agencies in Ghana using QGIS and Open Data f.e. OpenStreetMap, Natural Earth, etc
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Scripts to gather and analyse OSM datas in Iran.
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The Hackerfleet Operating System - a comprehensive set of maritime modules for Isomer
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Identifying what campaigns Bluebonnet is a part of View the embedded maps here:
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Sistema de Administración de Datos Geográficos
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Repository with open and free geological maps from Argentina in shp format. Please look at the wiki about licence terms.
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Quickly load Queensland property boundary map data into QGIS.
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Example Jekyll site using GitLab Pages:
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Spatial join of geospatial data from Kafka streams using Apache Spark (Spark Streaming).
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Materials from guest lecture on using maps in exploratory data analysis for Vanderbilt Data Science program.
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Quickly get the EPSG code from a .prj file or WKT. Read-only mirror of
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This GIS tool allows you converter a sqlite database (.db) in to a shapefile (Esri Shapefile) even if you don't have a ArcGIS or another GIS Software installed on your computer.