Projects with this topic
Repository used as a template with default gitlab-ci files
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Deploy Wordpress to kubernetes(base on microk8s) using helmfile and gitlab-ci
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Deploy Plantuml to kubernetes(base on microk8s) using helmfile and gitlab-ci
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Deploy IDEs(code-server, cloud9) to kubernetes(base on microk8s) using helmfile and gitlab-ci
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A CLI tool to publish a commit's CI status to gitlab
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A simple project to show usage of AWS step functions with the Serverless framework (
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Image based on Ubuntu, Java, Node and Gradle
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Parametrized C pipeline (both 64 and 32-bit builds) example using shell executor on openSUSE
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[DEPRECATED] A super small image with glibc installed, to allow binaries compiled against glibc to work.
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[DEPRECATED] A super small image with librsvg installed.
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[DEPRECATED] A super small image with basic development libraries installed.
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Proyecto demo de un pipepline CI/CD utilizando gestión automática de versiones con go-semrel-gitlab.
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Project to learn, practice and share Terraform knowledge
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Computer Science - Bachelor's Thesis Universidade Federal de Itajubá - UNIFEI
This is the main repository.
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Jekyll development environment dockerfile for testing and deploying Jekyll projects with GitLab CI.
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Python environment dockerfile for testing and deploying Python projects with GitLab CI.
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Ruby environment dockerfile for testing and deploying Ruby projects with GitLab CI.
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Modified Ubuntu base dockerfile for using as a base image on other projects.