Projects with this topic
Build a java application with gradle.
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The core service "robot" for the microservice dungeon project of the TH Köln
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sample multi module spring boot microservice project
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Gradle plugin that displays task dependencies and types
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Gradle plugin that logs JaCoCo test coverage to the build log
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A Gradle plugin for developing JOSM plugins
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This project still in development.
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Java and Kotlin examples (Kotlin multi-module project) including design patterns, concurrency, functional programming
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The official Antora Plugin for Gradle. This project provides a plugin for Gradle that installs and runs Antora using a managed Node.js runtime. You do not need Node.js preinstalled to use this plugin.
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Gradle plugin to build kemono resources.
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Ledger posting micro service application with Java, Springboot and Kafka.
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Java executable who can extract .pack.xz, .pack & .xz files
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Java Leassons on Gradle proyect <3
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Gradle plugin for pre/post compilation steps to be done through a build script rather than runtime.
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The backend part of an individual project. In short, Aeroplanner is a website that would help flight planning matters for the flight simulator game of Aeronautica.
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Java + Micronaut + Flyway + H2 + MyBatis (persistence framework) + Jetty + Gradle + Spock