Projects with this topic
Hey is a decentralized and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol
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OnRoad is a platform where users can anonymously contribute vehicle prices which helps the community get real and transparent pricing. Its USP is the complete breakdown of prices and hidden charges which separates it from the competition.
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ODC Live's public GraphQL API. It also includes a small RESTful API for uploading photos. Available at
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Reusable configurations to get projects started quickly.
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Starting with the Next.js boilerplate with TypeScript and GraphQL support, I aimed to develop a unique portfolio that would meet all my needs.
I intentionally didn't develop a solid design initially. Therefore, I implemented types and type definitions later after figuring out the layout and content to be displayed.
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"Your anime. Yours alone." Backend service.
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Personal webpage with developer projects and notes
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A simple WebSocket consumer for a GraphQL demonstration using Apollo Server and subscriptions.
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Gatsby Frontend for website. Fresh and local food delivery by student-led startup in Niederwalgern, Germany founded by Laurenz Sommerlad
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PWA for building Harry Potter TCG decks
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Curso de platzi
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App using github graphQL api to fetch trending repositories dependind on the programming language.
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This is basic for my learning purpose., GraphQL Apollo Client
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It's intended to prepare a simple to do application while making use of up-to-date technology stack.