Projects with this topic
Libro de Guardia. Minimalista, para el Radioaficionado.
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Acceso a documentación interesante para todo lo relacionado con SDR y el software GNU Radio en particular.
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A game that integrates the morse code training tool called "CW Pokemon" AKA "Hamcube Pro" AKA "Hamcube Mini" with fun games.
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This python script uploads your ADI-logfile to logbook
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Story wie ich meinen Antennenmast auf dem Dach aufgebaut habe.
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Find Ham Radio Call informations
Currently it only works for HamQTH. and other support in Future planned. This was my first project when I started coding - so the code itself might not be so clean and shiny, but I'll improve it during time.
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The true about the pseudo dictatorship called Illuminati, the synthetic telepathy network and the nowadays hacker scene and the techno music network. But in reality is the old aristocratic telecommunications system. A site full of violence.
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Open source amateur radio repeater
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Bash Script for automatic installation and configuration DxSpider Cluster