Projects with this topic
The first bigger practical project during the SDA course. The Wildfire App is designed to: add info of wildfires to the database, see them on map, find contacts of people in the area and in red zone, find firestations near by, send warning to residents, fetch weather broadcast from web to calculate possible spread of fire, find transportation to evacuate people and be informed of the rescuers in area.
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An academic project done many years ago. It was kept for historical reasons. It uses JSP to generate views.
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Első Spring tesztelő project. BuyLog no more question.
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Proyecto de control policial de detenciones para entidades bancarias, adaptado y desarrollado con SpringMVC y Hibernate (Frameworks, java), una base de datos relacional y con todas operaciones CRUD funcionando hasta con condicionales.
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Proyecto Final de Laboratorio de Programación Técnico Superior en Sistemas Informaticos UTN Facultad Regional General Pacheco Año: 2019 Cuatrimestre: 1
Website con Boostrap, Java, Jquery, Hibernate, Spring, MVC.
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Base application for supporting any new web application development using Spring MVC and JSP for the frontend.
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An application that simulates the process of goods distribution between a warehouse and stores.
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Mi primer proyecto web con Spring + Hibernate :D
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This project has been done as a deliverable of the intern-ship program at reve Systems.
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Base application for supporting any new web application development using JSF and PrimeFaces for the frontend.
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