Projects with this topic
Juego de "Terraforming Mars" realizado con Hibernate, Springboot, Java, Maven y siguiendo el patrón de arquitectura MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador). Utilización de MySQL para la persistencia de datos.
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performed CRUD operation using hibernate
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Introduction to Hibernate ORM using Spring Boot framework.
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Projeto criado para estudar e mensurar a performance de persistência em banco de dados O principal objetivo é fazer um Benchmark entre os tipos de persistência, abaixo temos os métodos abordados de persistência. JDBC / Hiberte + JPA / Spring Boot Data
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Learning ORM Concepts Using Hibernate Framework.
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Commandler is a generic command handling framework for Java that allows you to write your code once and integrate it everywhere. Commands are quick and simple to implement, and the interface should feel very familiar to any Java EE or Spring user.
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Personal project: Creation of a recipe manager for our family using Spring Boot and MariaDB. Currently only a backend project, frontend will be added at a later point.
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The first bigger practical project during the SDA course. The Wildfire App is designed to: add info of wildfires to the database, see them on map, find contacts of people in the area and in red zone, find firestations near by, send warning to residents, fetch weather broadcast from web to calculate possible spread of fire, find transportation to evacuate people and be informed of the rescuers in area.
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base de datos para pc con hibernate y java
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An academic project done many years ago. It was kept for historical reasons. It uses JSP to generate views.
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My Hibernate codes (Hibernate connected to MySql database) created during 6.08-9.09.23
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A Java-based REST API for managing expenses
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Many concepts have been implemented in the Java language, and the frameworks has been used in the Java language like hibernate and spring boot Some of the concepts that were applied in this project Spring Framework: Rest API (POST, PUT, PATCH, GET and DELETE), Spring Data Rest, Exceptions, Scheduling, Profiles, Transaction Managements, Repositories, Caching, Custom Validations, AOP, Startup Application Listener.
Hibernate Framework: Entities, Relationship (Compositions and inheritance), Annotations, Fetching Data (Lazy and Entity Graph), Converter, Composite Key, Projections, Validations, Entity Manager (create DDL statement), Hibernate Envers and Spring Data Envers and Searching (Specification and Hibernate ExampleMatcher).
Jackson: Annotations and Polymorphism, Serializable and deSerializable
Lombok, Reflections, MySQL and Maven
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Training project with Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA and QueryDSL
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Első Spring tesztelő project. BuyLog no more question.
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