Projects with this topic
2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Jiri Znoj - personal website
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This is a Amazon Shopping Site's clone version created using ReactJs. Here we can able to add your items to the cart and also able to purchase the products
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MTG round timers for multiple events. https://timers.florius.com.ar/
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Small projects from Udemy Course - React, Redux and NextJs
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facing-sections is a PagedJS' hook that reorders pages so that two sections face each other.
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stae management strategy in React.js
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2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Workout app for tracking daily exercise (now supported - PullUps, PushUps, Squats, SitUps, Burpees, HipThrust, Dips, Dumbbells, Walk, Run, Bike, Swim, RollerSkates, Plank, Gym, Fitness, Yoga)
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This project builds a simple UI to make searches and CRUD operations of entities of type Book against a sample GraphQL Server (https://gitlab.com/anelivaldes/essentials)
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Custom React Store is a store manager for React apps that uses the Context and Reducer hooks to replicate redux functionality and supports combine reducer
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To-do basic application, using useReduce and localStorage with REACT
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An interactive web app builds with
❤ for BCRECIAN. Students will class notes, notices, assignments, syllabus, previous year questions, class timetables, class links, teacher details, and many more.Updated -
2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Balance from CoinMate count in CZK
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React.js from scratch! Reactjs, Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js and way more!