Projects with this topic
a framework for transforming diagrams into RDF data
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Python Data Science is an open source project providing guidance on python (and selectively R, Julia) packages relevant for data science tasks
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A zoomable network browser for cultural linked data
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an ontology describing the Copper Key
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tools for processing semantic data packaged as Nextflow modules
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a collaborative ONTOlogy development workFLOW
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facing-sections is a PagedJS' hook that reorders pages so that two sections face each other.
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SIOC discussion-reader app for KDE (dormant project) (GitLab mirror) -- migrated to
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Ontologia riguardante il calcio. Esprime diversi concetti tra i più importanti il concetto di AzioneDiGioco che permette di immagazzinare informazioni riguardo le prestazioni delle Squadre e dei giocatori.
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Ontology services tool-kit
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A web service which turns a DOI into a Semantic HTML citation.
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A semantification of electoral data from the European parliament elections, as part of a "Web semantics" project (Master 1 VICO @ Université de Nantes).
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An ontology prototype describing the relationships between specific cartographic tasks and Equal Area Unit Maps (EAUM)
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This project is a graduation project taking place at Bogazici University by me, advised by professor Suzan Üsküdarlı.
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Introduction a la manipulation des standards du web 3.0 (OWL/ RDF et SPARQL) et a la représentation d'informations sémantiques en utilisant owlready et rdflib.
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reusable web components showcasing common Activity Vocabularies
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Strategies to represent knowledge in Computer Science.