Projects with this topic
GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application.
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GNU libmicrohttpd is a small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application. GNU Libmicrohttpd is free software and part of the GNU project.
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Create a PKI, sign and revoke server and client X.509 v3 SSL certificates. Setting up a trusted encrypted communication network was never so easy with BounCA. BounCA is a Python Django based webapplication, with a Vuetify frontend.
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An Ansible role create and add Apache2 HTTP/HTTPS confs to your server.
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Esse projeto é a parte prática de uma análise do uso do HTTPS em sites de apostas regulamentados para operar no Brasil pela LEI Nº 14.790 que são obrigadas a utilizar o domínio "". As URLS dos sites utilizados foram coletados no site do Ministério da Fazenda. Com as URLS foi possível fazer uma busca sobre a segurança dos sites utilizando o "" e outro script chamado "" para automatizar as buscas. Após as isso informações foram agrupadas e contabilizadas utilizando o arquivo "metricas.js".
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Utilities for creation of SSL/TLS security contexts for servers and clients
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kurly is an alternative to the widely popular curl program, written in Golang.
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Easily deploy Letsencrypt SSL certificates in Zimbra
Clone repository of
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