Projects with this topic
My GNU/Linux Configuration Files, Dot Files. Tried to make these as generic as possible so if you want to download them and use them it doesn't take much configuration.
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My configuration files for i3wm, ranger, urxvt, vim and more
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My Linux dotfiles, mainly for me to keep a copy someplace safe.
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i3 settings for Garuda Linux
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My configuration files for Hyprland and i3wm on Arch Linux and all my used packages as a text file.
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My files for customizer my desktop (using i3 like a window manager)
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Launch applications in scratchpad with custom size and position. Supports multiple monitors, relative sizes, animation, toggling and built-in URxvt wrapping for command line programs.
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Show command-line program as a background in a Conky window. Works with i3 and supports transparency.
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Replace dmenu with a floating terminal and FZF! Comes with helper scripts for program/app launching, window switching, etc.
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Polybar for i3wm with Weather, System Monitoring etc.
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Simple Bitcoin price tracker script
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