Projects with this topic
Docker stack for monitoring things (Grafana, InfluxDB, Nexus433, MQTT and stuff)
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Linux host monitoring through standard SSH connections.
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IoT Dashboard developed with the MEVN stack. Here is hosted the client side.
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Reads energy data from a TP-Link HS110 and posts it to InfluxDB.
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Reads energy data from a Shelly plug S and posts it to InfluxDB.
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Verticle that intercepts MQTT data from a broker and updates it to a InfluxDB instance.
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Load data published by MQTT broker into Influx time-series database in Golang.
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Exporter for arduino's sensors
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Daemon that periodically log weather station data to InfluxDB
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Raritan PDU sensors Prometheus/Influxdb exporter.
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IPMI monitoring sensor data exporter into timeseries database.
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.NET Core with Angular on microservices. Subscribe to the newest state of your products.
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Docker-compose stack w/ telegraf, influxdb, chronograf, kapacitor (TICK). Python3 scripts for data from Finnish Meteorological Institute and Helsinki public transport (HSL)
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Secured Influx+Grafana Containers. Ready to be composed with provisionning of certificates, databases to create, dashboards.
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Uses xfinity-usage to scrap Xfinity Bandwidth usage on a cron schedule and save the output to InfluxDB. Used in HomelabOS
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