Projects with this topic
SKA Telescope Model: shared assumptions about the intended behaviour of the telescope
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This is the repository for the TMC work package of SKA telescope.
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In here we store the gitlab CI templates for SKAO as a part of Pipeline Machinery
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Base classes and utilities for all Local Monitoring and Control Tango devices.
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Python<->JSON serialisation for the SKA Control Data Model, used to marshal data sent across TMC interfaces with other subsystems.
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This project demonstrates how to structure an SKA project that provides some simple Tango devices coded in PyTango.
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Python<->JSON object serialisation library for the SKA Project Data Model, containing entities used in the offline observatory workflow such as Observing Projects and Scheduling Blocks.
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A prometheus exporter for TANGO system deployed in k8s namespaces
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Service that generates SKA Unique Identifiers. High-level documentation:
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Archaeology into an extremely well-respect (but almost entirely uncommented) body of code responsible for much of the Internet's email handling and some of its DNS system.
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Keep track of your infrastructure across multiple clouds.
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Utilities for treating and presenting CI Pipeline Metrics