Projects with this topic
ISO profiles for Garuda Linux
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[MIRROR] Bash script for downloading and verifying OS images.
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Get time in ISO format, in UTC timezone, from a simple, modern, lightweight node server
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GUI-Application to write bootable disk images to USB keys
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Czo Rescue Arch, a SystemRescue fork with ZFS
Source code:
ISO files:
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Booting multiple Live CDs (multiboot) on the same device / partition; focus on documentation for setup and non-standard options.
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Simple script to download Debian ISO images
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Bootstraps a persistent Ubuntu-based live system on a USB stick
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Czo Rescue Debian: a live linux debian rescue, designed for administrating and repairing computer systems and rescuing data.
Source code: ISO files: -
Simple caching mechanism for standard ISO tables for languages, countries, currencies and scripts.
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Download and verify latest GNU/Linux ISO directly from terminal
Read-only mirror of
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The isometric module for foundryvtt, it adds a few features that make playing in isometric view as good if not better than top down.
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Preseed files Debian iso installer images
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ISO Configuration for LynxOS (Archiso)
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VenenuX customized ISOMAKER based on Teaiso
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Git reṕo to made VenenuX apine builds
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