Projects with this topic
Build scripts for building the example custom Linux live DVD and distribution, TALIS Linux 2.1 Public version. Not to be confused with the TAILS operating system.
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Pre-built binaries for the example custom Linux live DVD and distribution, TALIS Linux 2.1 Public version. Not to be confused with the TAILS operating system.
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Ninja OS main working repo. This is expressed as a larch(live arch) profile. The last working version of larch is also hosted here. You will need to compile.
All versions to date have been built using this
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Booting multiple Live CDs (multiboot) on the same device / partition; focus on documentation for setup and non-standard options.
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Bootstraps a persistent Ubuntu-based live system on a USB stick
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Perfil de Archlinux Live con lxde
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Git reṕo to made VenenuX apine builds
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