Projects with this topic
@GrznCorp Plantilla y estructura de Jakarta EE Platform - Una plataforma estándar para Alojamiento de las aplicaciones empresariales
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The webapplication for OmniDoc
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This thesis deals with the issue of preparation of final exams at the FIT BUT. Result of this thesis is a web application that allows teachers to create and manage room schemes and terms of individual exams. More info can be found in file.
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Projektarbeit – cimdata – Java Erweiterungskurs:
Webanwendung zur Mitarbeiterverwaltung mit Fokus auf Erstellung und Genehmigung von Urlaubsanträgen.
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Java Server Faces Course by Chád Darby
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JSP, Servlets and JDBC Course by Chád Darby
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Projeto desenvolvido em sala de aula na turma de ADS VI, 2016.2.
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