JavaScript (JS) is a high-level, often just-in-time compiled and multi-paradigm programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.
Projects with this topic
Notabene JavaScript SDK for use in frontend applications
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A whiskey-fueled, (mostly AI-generated) app for helping learn blackjack basic strategy.
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Linkcitos es una página hecha en ReactJS y TypeScript que te permite compartir tus enlaces de interés en un solo lugar. La página tiene un estilo elegante y utiliza Tailwind CSS.
El proyecto se encuentra bajo la licencia GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.
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Um projeto que implementa uma API de JsonWebToken feito em NodeJs.
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Site web PHP de prévisions météorologiques utilisant l'API Open Weather Map.
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OnRoad is a platform where users can anonymously contribute vehicle prices which helps the community get real and transparent pricing. Its USP is the complete breakdown of prices and hidden charges which separates it from the competition.
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Main website for the Genips brand, your digital transformation begins here.
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The agallardo93-quasar-extension-vueauth library is an extension designed to integrate authentication functionality into Quasar Framework and Vue.js based applications. This extension provides a set of components and services to manage the user authentication flow, including registration, login and password recovery.
The library is based on the use of Sanctum or Passport for authentication, providing an easy to implement solution for applications that require access control and session management. With a set of preconfigured paths and components, integration into existing projects is quick and easy.
Key features:
Authentication routes: registers routes such as /auth/login, /auth/register, and /auth/forgot-password to manage authentication flow. Integration with Quasar: Works seamlessly with Quasar Framework, adapting to your routing and design systems. Authentication state management: The library provides methods for handling authentication state, including methods for registration, login, and password reset. Easy customization: Allows customization of authentication flow and routes according to your project needs. Automatic installation: Uses a postinstall script to automatically create and configure the necessary folders within the target project.Updated -
This repository contains a collection of my professional projects, including a React front-end application, an ASP.NET back-end service, and other personal projects. It serves as a showcase of my skills in web development, software engineering, and project management.
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Olá, seja muito bem-vindo ao meu repositório 'challengeFinal'. Esse repositório foi criado quando participei da 8ª sprint no programa de bolsas na CompassUOL. Neste projeto, faço o versionamento de todo o challenge da sprint 8 – última sprint como estagiário em AWS & Performance for Software Quality Engineering. Nesse repositório, terei de utilizar todos os conhecimentos aprendidos até então em todo o processo. Caso você queira ver o andamento das outras sprints, segue o link do repositório:
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Family of packages for scaffolding frontend applications combined into lerna monorepository
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My personal portfolio project, built using Eleventy.
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The DOM Standard (read-only mirror).
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gcix - Write your GitLab CI pipelines in X languages