Projects with this topic
static blog or page generator with tags, i18n, source code snippets, photo galleries, Bible quotations and powerful templates
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♠️ SPADES (Simplified Project And Development Environment Setup) is a python command-line utility that creates projects from project templates. You can install SPADES python requirements directly into your environment or use the install_reqs.ps1 script to create a virtual environment ( and install them there.For more info / getting started, see
♣️ CLUBSApproved for public release JAN2025
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Docker powered markdown-to-HTML server, built with Starlette and Uvicorn.
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Submit scripts to slurm sbatch using jinja templates and asyncio.
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Driver Attitude Control Web Service
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Renderer (Jinja) + Describer + Builder
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Generate gitlab-ci downstream/child pipelines using Jinja templates
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A project to generate a beautiful resume from raw JSON data. Forget the formatting and let the templating engine do the work for you.
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CSE111 ZAD Sec-01 GroupProject: BookStore
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A plugin to send notifications to Matrix chat rooms from CI pipeline steps.
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Ansible Playbook with roles to deploy simple WebApp on Docker Container
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A lightweight full-stack Flask web application for auditing cloud resources by automating data collection and analytics through Bootstrap5 & jinja dashboarding.
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