Projects with this topic
63-51 : Emerging Technologies / Benoit, Nohen, Thaddée
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Jupyter Notebook server proxied with Nginx in Ubuntu docker machine
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Deuterium is a vim-implementation of the popular hydrogen plugin for Atom. Thus, it connects you to an IPython kernel running in the background which allows in-line feedback on the execution of your Python code.
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Basically, paveloom/binder-base + TeX dependencies
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If paveloom/binder-julia and paveloom/binder-tex had a baby
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Basically, paveloom/binder-base + Julia
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Yet another base image for Binder
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Wraps JupyterLab within a Docker image. It adds support for other languages (Java) in addition to the standard Python kernel. The Docker image can be used locally or with cloud offerings.
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Playground to get started with training NN on azure cloud
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A Java wrapper for Python's matplotlib.