Projects with this topic
[Mirror] Ein LaTeX-Template angepasst an die Anforderungen der Geographie an der RWTH.
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TeXLive container image for building TeX documents, also hosted on Docker Hub
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A SyncTeX parser written in Kotlin. This is not related to the official SyncTeX project but rather a reimplementation of the structure of a SyncTeX file based on the manpage and real-world output.
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arara is a TeX automation tool based on rules and directives. It gives you a way to enhance your TeX experience.
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This is a repository providing Docker images for TeX Live
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A Docker image providing all the functionality of
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The vutinfth document class is a LaTeX2e-based template for all theses written at TU Wien Informatics. DOWNLOAD with the button on the right. READ the README.txt to start.
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A collection of low-level utilities for use with plain LuaTeX
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The istaustriathesis document class is a LaTeX2e-based template for theses written at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA). DOWNLOAD with the button on the right. READ the README.txt to start.
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Creation of a docker container providing texlive.
This is a mirror of
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Letter charts for alphabet learning
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Ansammlung wichtiger themenübergreifender mathematischer Definitionen und Sätze, später dann verpackt in Anki in schönem Latex, um die Sprache der Mathematik fließender zu verstehen.
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New logo for ConTeXt, a typesetting program similar to LaTeX
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🐋 📓 📽 Latex & Texstudio Dockerfiles with multiple texlive versions and proper command line toolsUpdated -
Read tsv files from TeX or LaTeX
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Eseuri pentru bacalaureatul la română