Projects with this topic
Logstash is part of the Elastic Stack along with Beats, Elasticsearch and Kibana. Logstash is a server-side data processing pipeline that ingests data from a multitude of sources simultaneously, transforms it, and then sends it to your favorite ...
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A repository showing a full setup of the elastic stack running on Kubernetes.
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English: The project collects API data on traffic, users, holidays and weather, processes it and indexes it in ElasticSearch. It also performs geoqueries to update existing documents with climate data and other information. The project features a docker-compose to upload scripts as services to be run on a server.
Pt-BR: O projeto realiza coleta de dados de API de trânsito, usuários, feriados e clima, realiza o processamento dos mesmos e os indexa no ElasticSearch. Também realiza geoqueries para atualizar os documentos existentes com dados climáticos e outras informações. O projeto apresenta um docker-compose para subir os scripts como serviços a serem executados em um servidor.
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elasticsearch、kibana、filebeat、logstash 日誌收集器之 docker compose 設定
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C# 之日誌搜尋器 Elastic 共用 class 初步測試尚未開發完整
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experiments in AWS with terraform
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The Fiscal ELK project provisions a server to provide a graphical interactive frontend to California's Open FI$Cal data and the City of Sacramento's budget data.
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Fetch information from ElasticSearch and display it right on your Stream Deck!
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Manito Networks Flow Analyzer
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Aggregated eBook Search Engine
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.NET Core with Angular on microservices. Subscribe to the newest state of your products.
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Elasticsearch installation and configuration tips
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A Python app for scanning large data sets of URLs for a given signature and storing the results to an ElasticSearch index. Useful applications for CERTs and security researchers, maybe others.
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