Projects with this topic
Script for creating latex file containing data and pictures of participants of the Mathecamp Augsburg
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Script to generate PDFs for the organization of the Mathezirkel
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Template LaTex pour le rapport de stage ou alternance de l'IUT informatique de Paul Sabatier
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Programmierung einer Android Applikation, welche die Ansteuerung einer Lautsprechereinheit über ein Netzwerk ermöglicht.
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В этом репозитории представлен шаблон, значительно облегчающий жизнь при написании работы Малой Академии Наук, с ним не нужно морочиться с кучей формальностей, возникающих при оформлении работы.
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This repository contains my final dissertation written in LaTeX
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A knowledge base for using LaTeX through (n)vim for the humanities and social sciences.
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Pecas: conjunto de scripts pensados para agilizar o automatizar varios de los procesos del quehacer editorial.
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Repository for all my coding projects that I have done for school
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My personal pandoc LaTeX templates.
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Curriculum Vitae with LaTeX and Pandoc.
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Fanzines hechos por perro tuerto.
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LaTeX documentation for the end-time role play game At The End
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Handout für den A318-Workshop 2109
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Sublime text 3 snippets for latex project(s).
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LaTeX template for BSc/MSc/PhD theses of University of Tehran
LaTeX template for BSc/MSc/PhD theses of University of Tehran - قالب لاتک پایاننامهٔ دانشگاه تهران
an old fork of
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