Projects with this topic
Use Code Quality to analyze your source code’s quality and complexity. This helps keep your project’s code simple, readable, and easier to maintain.
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Static Application Security Testing (SAST) checks your source code for known vulnerabilities.
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Secret Detection scans your repository to help prevent your secrets from being exposed.
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Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) makes simulated attacks against your web application to find vulnerabilities.
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Python container to create a report for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using dataprep library.
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HelpDev - Helping users and developers to get information about the environment to report bugs.
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Template LaTex pour le rapport de stage ou alternance de l'IUT informatique de Paul Sabatier
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Les comptes rendus de l'asso
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An interpreter that translates input strings into lambda calculus expressions using parser combinators in Haskell.
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Eine LaTeX-Vorlage für Berichte und Abschlussarbeiten.
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Evaluatador is an evaluator for Azure DevOps. It uses Azure DevOps Services REST API for querying different parts of Azure DevOps and provide summary. The tool's primary goal is to help GitLab PS team to scope engagement, however the tool can be used for any other tasks when assessment of Azure DevOps organization and projects is required.
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Python program for creating reports from data and content templates
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Screen to report the status of the CI/CD (development for dev and master for deployment).
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This is a compilation of a few LaTeX formats for Report, Slides, Protocol and Thesis for UPIITA
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Gabarit (class) GPPPI pour LaTeX.
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Automatically generate test coverage report using GitLab CI/CD