Projects with this topic
Tricky arcade puzzler made for Ludum Dare 49
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A short rhythm game made using Godot during the Ludum Dare 54 (theme: "Limited Space")
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Submission to Ludum Dare 48
A tactical RTS about collecting resources from caves as you go deeper into the Earth aboard your drilling ship.
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Game made for Ludum Dare 33: You are the Monster, build on top of custom engine taengine and Box2D physics library.
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Game made for Ludum Dare 44: Your life is currency - Duel the rival Mad Dog in order to become champion of the Robot Combat League!
Built on Godot Engine.
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Game made for Ludum Dare 42: Running out of space - Have you ever had trouble organizing your desk? How about you be forced to be organized?
Built on Unreal Engine.
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