machine learning
Projects with this topic
Bahn-Vorhersage - The best Train Delay Prediction System.
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Extract video representations (semantic, geometric, deep features) for the frames of any video.
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Benchmarking framework for machine learning with fNIRS
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Test handbook fork
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63-51 : Emerging Technologies / Benoit, Nohen, Thaddée
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Python software for identifying dynamical systems and hidden patterns from time series data
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A landcover classification tool based for humans. Classifier does "traditional" supervised and unsupervised learning. Image segmentation and soon also object detection
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The project focuses on developing a predictive tool for chess using recurrent neural network (RNN) models implemented in TensorFlow. Data collection was carried out using web scraping techniques from the website
El proyecto se orienta hacia el desarrollo de una herramienta predictiva para el ajedrez, empleando modelos de red neuronal recurrente (RNN) implementados en TensorFlow. La recopilación de datos se realizó mediante técnicas de web scraping desde la página
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AI model to classify the genre of a movie based on its title and description.
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Statistics for sci-kit learn.
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Package for generating and inverse-designing 2D lattice materials. Represents lattices as heterogeneous graphs and utilizes message passing, automatic differentiation and surrogate gradients for the inverse design.
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Instance Hardness analysis in Machine Learning
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Sashimi - study the organisation and evolution of corpora
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$ mldev | is a data science experiment automation and reproducibility toolkit.
check our experiment templates:
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Programtervező Informatikus MSc - Képfeldolgozás haladóknak MSc gyak. projektmunka