Projects with this topic
Instant AI model deployment. Open-source, one-click setup for language model research.
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Ant colony optimisation and Simulated Annealing algorithms written in java to approximate the Travelling Salesman Problem
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A discord bot that predicts if a quickstarter will succeed using azure ML
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PI de la Carrera de Ingeniería en Computación 2021 - FCEFyN (UNC)
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Our goal is to build a prototype of online hate and abuse comment classifier which can used to classify hate and offensive comments so that it can be controlled and restricted from spreading hatred and cyberbullying.
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Proyecto final del Grado Superior de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma
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A kivy-based Pong Game, and a neural network learning to play it
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Learning Wizard is a software that enables humans to learn the card game "Wizard".
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Deep learning library for C/C++
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Машинное обучение. Анализ алгоритмов кластеризации
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ChatBot for Nyan.Chat solution
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Python API for the libdeep deep learning library
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Machine learning exercises using tensorflow in python
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Image Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
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Assignments and work required to complete the Andrew Ng's Coursera ML (Machine Learning) course.
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