Projects with this topic
Serializable tree datatypes for Python
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Lumap is a video/audio cue sequencing software. It is similar to QLab.
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map CSV files with graph templates
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Exploring options to transform color into sound.
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Pioneer 3 AT Robot Simulation using Webots and ROS, and making SLAM using Cartographer ROS.
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ExportDBMapper is a QGIS plugin used to map a export from a PG database to a gpkg file and vice versa.
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Generate Equal Area Cartograms from polygon geometries of known geo formats (GeoJSON, ESRI Shapefile, Geo-Package, tba)
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3D Space Mapping and Computer Vision assistance for the Microsoft Kinect (v1) Possible usages for example: Locating obstacles for drones, Architectural Mapping, Persistent memory of static objects
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Quickly load Queensland property boundary map data into QGIS.
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Loads and displays vegetation management data used for vegetation regulation in Queensland, Australia. Data is sourced from the Queensland government's public web feature server based on a search of LotPlan number(s).
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Implementation of ESTIMAP, an algorithm to support mapping and modelling of ecosystem services (Zulian, 2014) as an add-on for GRASS GIS | Manual:
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Un petit robot capable de cartographier une pièce.