Projects with this topic
Multiple Regression is almost like Simple Linear Regression, but with more than a single independent feature, which means we try to predict a value based on more than one variable.
check this project article on medium:
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A simulation of classical (mathematical) billiards. / Symulacja klasycznych bilardów (matematycznych). Python + NumPy + Matplotlib
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trying to describe the development of a forest ecosystem (very cruedly)
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Discord bot for rendering TeX expressions
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Foraging simulator for swarm robotics.
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EDA of border traffic at PL-UA border 01/2022 - 03/2022
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"Cloud container data analytics, statistical modeling, and machine learning on distributed databases". "A free opensource alternative to SPSS, SAS, MATLAB, PowerBI, Tableau and Alteryx". Runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS, and in the cloud via containers.
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Weight Tracking tool using Matplotlib and Python
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Course called Introduction to Scientific Python. Please see the syllabus.
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This is a Collaborative-Based Movie Recommendation System developed using methods of weighted_average and Normalization(MinMaxScaling()) of Average Rating and Popularity values.
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This is a Collaborative-Based Product Recommendation Engine which recommends most correlated products to the Customer based on the Ratings patterns of other customers who bought that same product also.
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This is where the lessons and challenges for the python crash course will be posted.
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