Projects with this topic
Docker java build image for gitlab-ci based on docker-in-docker (dind), jdk (adoptopenjdk) and maven
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This is a Spike-like web page to show match results and data from BB3 obtained through Cyanide's BB3 API.
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REST API to manage bookshelf's project data book
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The elf-maven-plugin is a Maven plugin designed to create an executable wrapper around a JAR file. This allows the JAR file to be executed directly from the command line, making it more convenient for users to run Java applications.
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The official Antora plugin for Maven. This project provides a plugin for Maven that installs and runs Antora using a managed Node.js runtime. You do not need Node.js preinstalled to use this plugin.
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This project is home to the Maven CI/CD component and it's related assets
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Projet Java et VueJS d'une application de sport Java avec une app Web en VueJS
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A demo monorepo project with GitLab-CI integration
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A Docker image mimicking the InteliJ IDEA bundled version of Maven used in CI pipelines and including report transformations for GitLab merge requests.
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A Docker image mimicking the InteliJ IDEA bundled version of Maven used in CI pipelines.
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A Docker image mimicking the InteliJ IDEA bundled version of Maven used in CI pipelines and including report transformations for GitLab merge requests.
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A Docker image mimicking the InteliJ IDEA bundled version of Maven used in CI pipelines.
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REST API to fetch book information from the BNF with book's ISBN, BNF is "Bibliothèque National Française"
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Setup Jenkins via Docker on Cloud infrastructure and build CI&CD pipelines.
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This project's application is mainly used in other projects to showcase tasks in a CI/CD pipelines like version bump, building artifacts and docker images and pushing them to a artifact repo or container registry.
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T-based platform provides a scalable and efficient solution for collecting and visualizing data from IoT devices in real-time.
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Spring Boot backend that consumes MongoDB Atlas cloud database. Demo project for movie review. Frontend for this project
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