Projects with this topic
Juego de "Terraforming Mars" realizado con Springboot, Java, Maven y siguiendo el patrón de arquitectura MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador). Utilización de MySQL para la persistencia de datos.
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A presentation tool that allows embedding of java applications and pdf slides together
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Mimosa CMS - legacy version
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The app to see your pet data. Spring backend with MySQL database and Angular frontend. The final bigger practical project during SDA JREE27. Project creation time 16.12-...04.24. (In development)
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Spring Web application for the 2023 Formula One championship.
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Course 3 of 3: Advanced Java.
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The initial task of practical work on the course "DevOps for operation and development"
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T-based platform provides a scalable and efficient solution for collecting and visualizing data from IoT devices in real-time.
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Curricular component of Programming II at IFRS: car rental company application developed in JavaFX.
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Maven Plugin for compressing static resources
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Simple database for e-commerce. Written in Java using PostgreSQL with repository manager Maven
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A dynamic geometry java application to visualize the Rectilinear Convex Hull of a planar point set
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