Projects with this topic
My attempt to use the nextcloud Theming App to give Nextcloud a Material Design Overhaul!
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Support for Markdown language in Nette framework and in the templating system Latte.
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My GitLab profile, taken from my GitHub
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Simple markdown parser. Released into public domain.
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🐘 PHP &📒 Calepin =💩 Phécal CMS(aka Ph&cal, best known as Phécal)
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The program computes theoretical CID mass spectra. To do so, it takes a molecule in XYZ format, optimizes its geometry, calculates its normal modes and frequencies, samples those normal modes within a microcanonical approach, creates initial condition files for a given number of trajectories, runs those trajectories using Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics, and analyzes the results as a Collision Induced Dissociation mass spectrum.
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A Python DevOps tool. CLI/Library to generate documentation from your python projects. Spend more time developing and less pleasing management.
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Technical solution description for 1st & 2nd part applications
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All things documentation and learning
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A zero-dependency library for generating Markdown tables written in TypeScript.
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Game Design Document Markdown Template
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Auto-generate a table of contents for a markdown file using this command-line program.