Projects with this topic
This repository accompanies the manuscript "Salivary polyreactive antibodies and Haemophilus influenzae are associated with respiratory infection severity in young children with recurrent respiratory infections", published in European Respiratory Journal.
Full participant metadata can be obtained upon request and approval of a proposal.
The folder /Scr contains custom R functions that are in part used in the scripts. The folder /Scripts contains the R scripts that were used for analyses and to create the figures and tables in the manuscript. Full participant data, used for input in the scripts, are available upon request. Please contact or
Scripts were run in R version 4.0.3.
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Finding a microbial signature to predict SARS-CoV-2+ infection progression.
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A complete overview of the possible microrganisms present in the sample using the diagnostic tool Kraken2.
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Microbial Bioinformatics Hub is an open-source, collaborative space for researchers and students to find, learn and share knowledge, methods and tools related to analyzing microbiological data.
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Improving the Black Soldier fly larvaes ability to decompose lignocellulose and hydrocarbons. The goal is to have an easy way to get rid of plastic garbage and high cellulose waste, and turn it into fat and protein in the form of grubs.