Projects with this topic
Kindroid website is more suitable for wide screens + add customizations (theme) + add new features (scripts).
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Archived 30Updated
Track the global pandemic in real-time. Stay safe and help authorities make correct decisions on COVID-19 measures. Sign up at
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Homepage describing the project and build instructions
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Radar para monitorizar vuelos en tiempo real desde Chipiona (Cádiz, España)
Esta aplicación muestra un mapa con los aviones y su recorrido en tiempo real sobre la zona de Chipiona
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Introducing Mila - Positive Habit, one of my side projects that helps people unleash their potential through quick positive habits they can do anywhere. The idea for the app came from the fact that we all spend hours every week uselessly scrolling on our phone or computer through TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, etc. And this is a waste of time and energy that we could avoid and replace with various mindful moments to help our body and mind. Mila is an iOS only app developed natively with SwiftUI and no backend.
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Repositório do front-end em Ionic Framework
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CPMAC is a cross-platform mobile application for the Cothority framework developped by the DeDiS laboratory at EPFL.
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Dashboard Insurance Admin
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Dashboard Lead Master Sun Education
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Mobile Responsive Bootstrap based insurance application
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Play classic BASIC computer games from the 1960s/70s on your mobile device. Vintage BASIC games is a collection of early programs.
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[U'DEV] Développement d'une petite application mobile hybride de todolist à l'aide du framework IONIC 4. (module MESI 010)
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[U'DEV] Projet du cours de programmation pour mobile PRM 020 : réalisation d'une application mobile présentant les panneaux de signalisation.
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Template for working with D3 inside Ionic V4.
Updated - - full open source web/mobile social network APP script.
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A simple bingo game.
-Ionic -Angular