Projects with this topic
Kindroid website is more suitable for wide screens + add customizations (theme) + add new features (scripts).
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A template for Dioxus in order to make using daisyUI with Rust much easier.
Live Example:
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A Flutter app for visualizing 3D molecular structures from CIF files in the PDB database.
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O projeto é um aplicativo desenvolvido em React Native com TypeScript, projetado para permitir que os usuários interajam diretamente com a aplicação. A aplicação se conecta ao back-end por meio de uma API RESTful, utilizando endpoints específicos para carregar, inserir, atualizar e deletar dados conforme necessário. Os dados são organizados para fornecer uma experiência de usuário fluida e gameficada.
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Track the global pandemic in real-time. Stay safe and help authorities make correct decisions on COVID-19 measures. Sign up at
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Описание проекта в настройках
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Game for Nintendo Switch, PC & Mobile by BadToxic. Collecting & beating mini games, gaining experience, developing & mastering them by playing. Local & online coop & vs multiplayer.
Discord: More:
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The Ultimate Collection of Party Games that can be played anywhere
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Homepage describing the project and build instructions
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Radar para monitorizar vuelos en tiempo real desde Chipiona (Cádiz, España)
Esta aplicación muestra un mapa con los aviones y su recorrido en tiempo real sobre la zona de Chipiona
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Introducing Mila - Positive Habit, one of my side projects that helps people unleash their potential through quick positive habits they can do anywhere. The idea for the app came from the fact that we all spend hours every week uselessly scrolling on our phone or computer through TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, etc. And this is a waste of time and energy that we could avoid and replace with various mindful moments to help our body and mind. Mila is an iOS only app developed natively with SwiftUI and no backend.
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CV project for Mobiles Technologies course that occurs at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.
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This was a fun exercise for building an app from the ground up to practice CRUD operations. It included creating APIs with ExpressJS, using Mongoose to manage a MongoDB database, and using React Native to design the front-end with hooks.
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A simple music player to listen Ane Gómez singer songs and covers from "".
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A simple companion sailling app, using marine API, barometer and location from the native components.
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Aplikacja umożliwiająca komunikację między grupą pacjentów a terapeutą.