Projects with this topic
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Open and close a window using two motion detectors and a motor controlled by GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
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A library to control VESC motor controllers via CANBus
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Code implementing a forward model of neuromuscular control for 2D arm movements and the inversion of that model. Also includes the code to analyse motion data for 2D reaching movements
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Switch button disables the motor driver for manual positioning 20ppr rottary encoder allows offset and position adjustment Closed loop positioning using 600 ppr rotary encoder Receives target position through Serial at 115200 baudUpdated -
I'm doing an experiment with Cartesian Genetic Programming, or CGP. In this experiment I will attempt to have logic for motor control being evolved, to drive a three-phase alternating current electric motor.
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Server for controlling and calibrating servo positions connected on ArtNet through OSC and http and a web client for it.