Projects with this topic
读取指定目录及其子目录中音乐文件的ID3标签信息,并按照预先定义的格式导出到Android设备的Download目录中。Reads the ID3 tag information of music files in the specified directory and its subdirectories and exports them to the Download directory of the Android device according to a pre-defined format.
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The application is a collection of relatively simple parts that are focussed on doing one thing with MIDI data.
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Projet personnel : gestion d'une musicothèque
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[Mirror of, please DO NOT send any pull request as they will be ignored]
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A string instrument's chord evaluation tool.
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tool that counts and tags mp3s with the number of times they were played by Serato.
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Cartes Records website
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Fork of Karim Abou Zeid's Phonograph, to support FFmpeg playback
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Visuelles Metronom in Java mit vielen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, inkl. BPM, Takt und Farbe.
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A music player app that saves your place for each playlist on your device. Other features include smart shuffle, where each audio file in the list is played before any is repeated. The source is available under the GPLv3 license.
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eMusic/J is a cross-platform alternative download manager for, and can be readily customised for use by other services.
It is light-weight, simple, and fast.