Projects with this topic
Local-first mediaplayer which runs entirely in the browser.
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Enjoy your favorite TV and radio streams!
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Minimalistic music player for the Linux desktop
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Android program to manage and play classical music (but not only)
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Android application to play classical music from locally stored files and via Storage Access Framework. Handles work, movement, composer and performer instead of stupid "songs" and "artists".
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A filebrowser plugin for the DeaDBeeF audio player.
Note: This project is not under active development anymore!
Check out the source (see README for info):
Old project home:
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This is a simple 16-bit DOS text-mode S3M (Scream Tracker 3) player with expanded memory (EMS) support for a family of Sound Blaster sound cards.
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Reproductor minimalista para Youtube (Al estilo reproductor de Musica)
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A stupidly-simple shell script which lets you search youtube, gets the URL to the video you select, and passes it to the player of your choice.
Made mostly for my own enjoyment, and also for educational purposes.
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A headless audio player for whole-album FLACs.
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基于 ExoPlayer 库的简单视频播放器
▶ Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer
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Device-based Lunofono prototype written in Python. The basic architecture is just an input device that trigger key events that are mapped to parent-selected media to reproduce.
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Media streamer for service
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Embedded Javascript Audio Stream Player for project
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Um player construído usando o Plyr com fortes modificações.