Projects with this topic
Gestor is created in order to support the running of the school.
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Tugas Project 2 semester 4
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Dieses Gitlab-Projekt dient der Dokumentation und Überwachung des Fortschritts der Bachelorarbeit von Webdevelopment-Student Kilian Schmidt. Die Ordnerstruktur wird aufgeteilt in 3 Bereiche: Original, Weg1, Weg2
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Système pour nettoyer entités.
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A Szoftvertechnológia és Grafikus Felhasználói Felület Tervezése tárgyhoz tartozó laboranyagok.
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MVC для landing page с каталогом и корзиной.
Включает: docker (docker-compose.yml для test, dev, prod), percona, phinx, php 7.4, codeception, twig, traefik.
Подойдет для написания landing page, посадочных страниц и т.п.
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I made this todo app, which is a simple little browser app that allows you to CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) todos. It just consists of an index.html, style.css, and script.js, so nice and simple and dependency/framework-free.
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Prepr Full Stack Developer Summer Work Challenge
A simple CRUD application made for the Prepr Summer Work Challenge using the Laravel framework.
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Kelompok 2 PBO SKC : ->
Adi Pratama Putra (@APP_adi) Dian Sri Utami (@diansri) Hadaina Dhiyaul Arsy (@hadaiarsy) Mochamad Prasetyo (@tyo12thea) Nur Widyastuti (@nurwidyaa) Ujang Najib (@Yujeng) Yusron Fauzan Nasrulloh (@Sronz04)Updated -
Personal MVC framework
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Kelompok 2 PBO : ->
Adi Pratama Putra (@APP_adi) Dian Sri Utami (@diansri) Hadaina Dhiyaul Arsy (@hadaiarsy) Mochamad Prasetyo (@tyo12thea) Nur Widyastuti (@nurwidyaa) Ujang Najib (@Yujeng) Yusron Fauzan Nasrulloh (@Sronz04)Updated -
#Deprecated and recreated in private Repository
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🚀 Starter project to help kickstart your MVC-based Go API🚀 Updated -
Dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman OOP PHP MVC
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Ocean Framework is a Java based modular web application framework. Actually it runs inside a servlet container, but it is intended to develop any kind of server application (with a web GUI, of course) and it has the features for that scope!
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A dynamic website allowing the user to create and order pizzas
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Proyecto desarrollado con la intención de aprobar la asignatura de administración de proyecto 2 Es un sistema de venta de comida que cuenta con las funciones básicas para funcionar (Listar, Agregar, Modificar, Eliminar).