Projects with this topic
The problems I have solved in hackerrank platform, codes lies here.
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SpotOn, an Open Source geo-location based Attendance Management System.
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Backend REST API for the Pop Up application. This API is built using Java and SpringBoot.
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Juego de "Terraforming Mars" realizado con Springboot, Java, Maven y siguiendo el patrón de arquitectura MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador). Utilización de MySQL para la persistencia de datos.
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Juego de "Terraforming Mars" realizado con Hibernate, Springboot, Java, Maven y siguiendo el patrón de arquitectura MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador). Utilización de MySQL para la persistencia de datos.
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The core service "trading" for the microservice dungeon project of the TH Köln
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The core service "game" for the microservice dungeon project of the TH Köln
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Mini projecto de simulador de una agenda de control de estudiantes en practicas
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Spring application for a Auction Site that has implemented Spring Security. It is the backend the the Angular application in my profile to manage CRUD operations for auctions, bids, categories items, login/sign up users and other operations needed to run the website.
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This is the backend REST API that serves as the client for the mobile application Banana Bakery.
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Entwicklung einer Webanwendung zur Organisation von Fahrgemeinschaften innerhalb eines Unternehmens
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This mocroservice facilitates the creation, updation and managemnt of users in the hotel managment application
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Projeto criado para estudar e mensurar a performance de persistência em banco de dados O principal objetivo é fazer um Benchmark entre os tipos de persistência, abaixo temos os métodos abordados de persistência. JDBC / Hiberte + JPA / Spring Boot Data
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Graduate Tools and Models - Data Science.
Rice University, Spring 2024.
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