Projects with this topic
This repository contains a collection of my professional projects, including a React front-end application, an ASP.NET back-end service, and other personal projects. It serves as a showcase of my skills in web development, software engineering, and project management.
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Juego de "Terraforming Mars" realizado con Springboot, Java, Maven y siguiendo el patrón de arquitectura MVC (Modelo-Vista-Controlador). Utilización de MySQL para la persistencia de datos.
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Development of a third-party app designed as an enhanced alternative to Spotify Sessions, enabling fair and equitable participation among all session attendees. The app employs modern technologies such as TypeScript and Docker, ensuring scalability, security, and user-centric design, all optimized for cloud deployment.
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ConverseD Web is a chat log database, web-based viewer and CLI parser. Supports parsing various formats via loadable parsers into a MariaDB/MySQL database. Built with Node.js, WASM, TypeScript and VanJS. A playground for exercising various technologies. See for a desktop version built in Rust, which supplies most of the parsers used by ConverseD Web as WebAssembly modules.
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EGG-API is an efficient and versatile project boilerplate specifically designed to generate RESTful APIs with ease. Built on top of the NestJS framework and utilizing TypeORM with MySQL, EGG-API automates the process of creating robust and scalable API projects, allowing developers to focus on implementing business logic rather than spending time on repetitive setup tasks.
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Entwicklung eines interaktiven, benutzerfreundlichen Online-Quizsystems für IU Fernstudierende, das kooperatives und kollaboratives Lernen fördert und eine dynamische Plattform für die Klausurvorbereitung bietet.
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Creación de un CRUD básico en ANGULAR 15, NodeJS con una WEB REST API en PHP y MySQL. En el desarrollo de esta aplicación básica, se usa: BACKEND: PHP FRONTEND: ANGULAR 15 BASE DE DATOS: MySQL
NOTA: También se añade el Inicio de sesión básico sin seguridad, sin Guards o Tokens, el objetivo es mostrar como trabajan las rutas y componentes; Se añade el uso de la librería JSPDF para la visualización de reportes.
Link de REST API
Puedes probar su funcionamiento en la siguiente web: Usuario: Secretaria Password: secretaria
Updated - API is an API that's control the HTTP request to the app and CMS. API also handle the database migration and also all of the logic function that required data from the database to the app.
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The party hub for developers 🥳 -
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Delivery application to connect the end user with cafes around his area with haversine formula to calculate the zone and get the near cafe around his place
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Scraper and better UI for, cause their web sux. Favourites, discount notifications and more.
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Project Management system using angular and django
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Todo app build on nestjs
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GymHelper é um projeto de faculdade para a cadeira de Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Software. Este projeto consiste num sistema de gestão para ginásios, contendo planos de treino, avaliações nutricionais, etc.
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This is a interview task. The job was done using ASP.NET Core Web API 2, Angular 4.2.5, MySql, Entity Framework, ASP.NET Identity, Microsoft Visual Studio 2017