Projects with this topic
Mysql-Workbench contained in Docker with X11 shared GUI
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My JDBC + MySQL codes created during 08-9.09.23
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JWT Authentication Node.js With Mysql
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Repository contains server side of application and files needed for graduate work.
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Esta aplicación es un sistema de reservas hoteleras básico que puede ser utilizado por una variedad de usuarios. La aplicación es fácil de usar y puede ayudar a los usuarios a reservar habitaciones de hotel de forma rápida y sencilla.
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Databases and MySQL homeworks 16.07-5.08.23
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Quotation App Coding Challenge using Vue.js and Laravel
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Ahoy there, me hearties! I be Captain Rosalynn "Rose" Starboard, at yer service. Arrr!
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Final project for Web Programming course.
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Riga 71st secondary school 12ab student project.
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Project untuk codebase RESTFull API menggunakan bahasa Golang.
Updated - API is an API that's control the HTTP request to the app and CMS. API also handle the database migration and also all of the logic function that required data from the database to the app.
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MySQL (MariaDB fork) Docker image.
Updated - Plugin na zakázku pro firmu Adrenaline Centre. Tento projekt mne přesvědčil, že WordPress je nekoncepční zlo, kterým se již nikdy více zabývat nechci.
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