Projects with this topic
Chat GPTでToDoアプリを作成したサンプルプロジェクト
GitLab Pages:
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The frontend web platform for the Bisool Platform. Build on top of NEXTJS and use another stack and receive the data from the core backend
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The web version app for handle the link in bio app
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The official website for Nyoman Sunima. This website built on top of NextJs, with simple and minimal design to be more clean
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Nyoman Sunima Space / Products / Awesome Applications / Official Website / Sonibble Official Website
Sonibble website that build on top of nextjs.
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A NextJS Scaffold project with Storybook setup.
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The project frontend for showing the UI design for shorting URLs using a simple system that can be customized. Build using NextJS,, tailwindcss, and another top stack.
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Generate a card with your social media
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URL shortener front dashboard.
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Learning basic NextJS from scratch.
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Demonstrate how the story feed in Ags app should be presented
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The hooks versions and highly customize google authentication for sign in and signout from google account to get the detail of user
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Project for analyzing and reading assets from Megaman Legends 2.
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the first project in FH campus Vienna
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The open-source academic full-stack web app, built using NextJS and Django.