Projects with this topic
Exploring Agno framework for building AI agents.
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CI/CD Component that provides automated code reviews and interactive discussions using various AI models. Based on OpenAI python module.
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Wally is a GitLab assistant powered by ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI. With Wally, you can interact with your GitLab project using natural language commands and receive helpful suggestions and feedback from the AI.
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This script is designed to streamline the development process by automating the commit and push process for a Git repository. It runs in the background, checking for changes every 5 minutes, and commits and pushes those changes to the current branch. Additionally, it utilizes AI technology to generate descriptive and meaningful commit messages, making it easier to track changes and maintain a clean commit history.
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The project that actually runs Wally ( using GitLab CI.
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Tracing OpenAI calls with Opik for LLM evaluation purposes.
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Content Orchestrator is an AI-powered system that streamlines the creation, optimization, and management of content for various purposes, such as blog posts, articles, and advertisements. By leveraging advanced natural language processing techniques and machine learning algorithms, it enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of content creation and distribution. The system employs a network of specialized AI agents that collaborate to analyze, label, and optimize content for specific target audiences and objectives, with a strong emphasis on creating advertiser-friendly content.
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Adds timing to song lyrics when given the song and the lyrics using OpenAI Whisper.
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UniGPT-Assist is a succinct, user-friendly solution that addresses the tangible problem of efficiently navigating through university life, providing a reliable and instant information source for students.
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可自行input 客製化內容的pdf檔案,並針對文檔內容作為回答的聊天機器人。 Creating a chatbot that provides specific responses based on certain content.
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audio transcription using OpenAI's whisper-large-v2, deployed as a containerized service
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Simple raw project that shows user interface menu in streamlit to communicate with chat-gpt
(Generated api-key somehow doesn't work. But code was working earlier)
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Simple langchain project using APIs of openai chat-gpt and search engine
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Пример использования ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo в общении с людьми. Для примера используем VKBottle для взаимодействия с API VK, фреймворк FastAPI для запуска и базу данных через Tortoise-ORM.
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Scrap OpenAI Keys from all the Internet!
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Simple framework for a chat UI that an organization can offer its internal staff through Microsoft Single Sign-On
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Скрипт по публикациям статей + фото в телеграм каналах по заданным тематикам без участия человека. Программа генерирует посты с помощью ChatGpt API и API pixels по заранее заданным пользователем критериям. Презентация проекта -
Все управление программой, темами публикаций и т.п. происходит через Телеграм бот -
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Данный проект - одно из моих тестовых заданий. Суть проекта: обработка информации с помощью ChatGpt и дальнейшая работа с результатом. Скрипт написан на python с использованием библиотек: pandas, request, os.
Кратко принцип работы:
1)Загружаем данные из CSV файла в Python с помощью Pandas.
2)Обрабатываем данные в форму, необходимую для отправки запроса в ChatGpt
3)Через OpenAI API и библиотеки requests отправляем запрос в ChatGpt и получаем ответ.
4)Обрабатываем ответ в Python и с помощью библиотеки Pandas сохраняем новый файл с обработанными данными в ту же директорию.
Мой контакт Telegram - @Jenyahard