Projects with this topic
Application devoted to show how to run neural networks like Yollov3-7 with AuroraOS.
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The project provides an example of using video filters to finding documents
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Application template to add and use the OpenCV library.
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Yolov5-segmentation identity card detection and rotation with the NCNN and OpenCV framework.
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Computer Vision laboratory tasks
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C++ library to RLE encode/decode COCO standard JSON masks.
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A GUI based application for generating Photomosaics. Website:
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Color tracking with OpenCV and Qt Framework
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Train positive and negative images to detect human face or any other object that the cascade is trained for...
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A 3D Stereo Vision Camera that tracks an object and displays its distance.
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Latest OpenCV Android SDK with opencv_contrib, built with LLVM.
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Mark Point software is destined for radar image processing.
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Command-line interface for manipulating webcam and using deep learning image recognition. The libraries/interfaces used are: ARGP, FANN and OpenCV
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An autonomous mobile robot. The project enables our platform to perform SLAM (using Monte Carlo filter and AMCL) and trajectory rollout, costmaps were used with inflated. Arduino software enables drivers, odometry, kinematics and wheel control.
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OpenCV and Aruco ported in iOS and Swift