Projects with this topic
Das Projekt ist eine 3D-Dungeon-Rendering-Engine, die mithilfe von OpenGL und Shadern eine dynamische Umgebung mit interaktiver Kamera und realistischen Lichteffekten darstellt. Es simuliert Dungeons mit Modellen wie Wänden, Fackeln und Schatztruhen und ermöglicht Bewegungen durch die Szene in First-Person-Perspektive.
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MaXXvue is MaXX Interactive Modern Framework to build highly scalable, reliable visual applications. Written in C++17, MaXXvue leverages several decades of real world experience in building successful mission critical applications.
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Create your own bitmap fonts for vintage computers.
Fonted ist built with C++ on Dear ImGui. Therefore it is portable to multiple platforms.
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This repositoty was created to follow the tutorial from Joey DeVries
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Portfolio management written in go using opengl GUI and postgres database.
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Simulation for the Dog using pyglet and OpenGL.
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Gestion d'un grand nombre d'éléments (variable) dans un environnement 3D à l'aide d'un octree.
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Application 3D implémentant le modèle de Phong pour la lumière
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Visualization of geometry using PyTorch tensors
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Chris OpenGL Engine library to use with an app utilizing OpenGL rendering context.
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3D survival game for an academic project, visuals are simplistic and we are interested in collisions detection and Basic 3D using vanilla OpenGL.
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A Terrain Renderer that can procedurally generate terrain.
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Project to explore ray tracing and graphics programming with OpenGL
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MGS Fractals Generator, 4th Generation
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A real-time 3D fluid simulation implemented on the GPU