Projects with this topic
Advanced enterprise Free Open Source DMS (document management system).
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Letter charts for alphabet learning
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pdfjoin is a command line tool, a droplet and a Python library to join several PDF documents into a single one.
It will join all files passed as argument into a new file. As a special feature it can operate as a "droplet".
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Rearrange pages in PDF file into signatures for printing books. Much like psbook does for Postscript files, but working with PDF.
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reklam amaçlı ve sahte içerikli pdf sitelerini engelle. GitHub mirror:
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Document viewer (incomplete)
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Read off data points (including errors) from images directly into a ROOT script
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✍ ️ Nextcloud app to sign PDF documentsUpdated -
[DEPRECATED] A super small image with wkhtmltopdf installed.
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Search for a word or group of words in a pdf file set
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Dianausaur is a Python script which allows PDF generation on Linux systems from exported (and auto-generated) LaTeX files with PGF/Tikz macros from Dia diagram editor.
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u2ps/u2pdf generates a2ps style ps/pdf from UTF-8 text
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XSLT transforming < pdftohtml -xml … > XML files to POSH HTML files